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The company strive to be the leading and top choice of the market, most trustworthy and confident security company in the united republic of Tanzania.

To satisfy our customers with excellent high quality and sufficient level of profffessional protection crowd control, security, safty to people leaders and properties, premises of tanzania. cooperation of our teams and commitment.

The motto is to facilitate the attainment of the missionby recognizethis , the company must: - Recreate and retain the most qalified guards in the company - Provide contuining education program that employs the most current technology and protrection techiques available - Monitor the international and national social politicalenvireonment to develope our services in an efficient manner
SUMAJKT Guard Ltd has acquired valuable experience in the sector and the material capacity to render services to a diverse clientele.
Over and above the contract requirements the company will offer the following value services:
Dedicated vehicles to a site for site manager, supervisor, shift deployment and patrols (number dependent on the size)
We will conduct a comprehensive security survey, the report/results of which will be shared with the client.
Meet Our Team Members
Lt Col. Frederico L. Hongoli
Managing Director
Major ED Nchimbi
Human Resource Manager

GW Mahende
Operartion & Training Manager
LT PJ Joseph
Marketing & Sales Manager